武士:强化的SAM 2 用于视觉对象跟踪

It's not long back when SAM 2 by Meta was released which is a monster of a model for Object segmentation and other general segmentation tasks. Unfortunately, it was discovered that SAM 2 struggles with object tracking for scenes with 在不久前,Meta 发布了 SAM 2,这是一款用于物体分割和其他一般分割任务的强大模型。不幸的是,发现 SAM 2 在处理场景中的物体跟踪时存在困难。
- ```html 很多人群, ```
- Here is the translation with HTML structure intact: ```html Fast-moving objects, 快速移动的物体, ```
- ```html 遮挡(物体的某些部分被其他物体挡住) ```
Sure! Here’s the translation while preserving the HTML structure: ```html To tackle this for visual tracking, a new model SAMURAI has come up which looks great on paper. SAMURAI is adapted from SAM2 itself for zero-shot visual tracking ``` Translated to Simplified Chinese: ```html 为了应对这个问题,针对视觉跟踪,出现了一种新的模型 SAMURAI,从纸面上看非常优秀。SAMURAI 是从 SAM2 本身改编而来,用于零样本视觉跟踪。 ```
Here is the translation of the provided text into Simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html SAMURAI采用了一种基于运动感知的记忆机制,根据运动模式动态选择和优化过去的观察结果,即根据物体的运动方向和速度,它可以忘记不必要的细节。与使用僵化记忆系统的传统方法不同,这一创新最小化了视频帧之间的误差积累。 ```

Sure! Here is the translation of "How SAMURAI Works" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 如何运作 SAMURAI ```
```html 在其核心,SAMURAI 被设计用于通过理解空间和时间上下文来预测和跟踪对象。以下是它如何实现这一目标: ```
Sure! Here's the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 运动感知记忆选择: ```
- Sure! Here's the translation while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Unlike SAM 2, which uses a fixed-window memory, SAMURAI dynamically selects memories based on motion patterns. ``` ```html 与使用固定窗口内存的SAM 2不同,SAMURAI根据运动模式动态选择内存。 ```
- 通过分析物体随时间的运动,SAMURAI 优先考虑相关的帧,以确保更准确的预测。
Sure! Here's the translation of the text "Refined Mask Selection" into Simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Refined Mask Selection: 精细化面具选择: ```
- 武士利用时间运动线索实时调整其分割掩模。
- 这降低了错误传播,特别是在快速移动或自遮挡对象中。
- Thanks to its efficient architecture, SAMURAI operates in real time, making it practical for applications like video surveillance or autonomous driving. 感谢其高效的架构,SAMURAI 实时运行,使其适用于视频监控或无人驾驶等应用。
```html 零样本学习: ```
- 武士不需要为新情况重新培训。它利用SAM 2的概括能力,但通过追踪专用机制加以增强。
武士对 SAM2
- SAM 2: 对象分割
- Here is the translation of "SAMURAI: Object tracking" into Simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html SAMURAI: 目标跟踪 ```
Sure! Here's the translation for "Memory Management" in simplified Chinese: ```html 内存管理: ```
- SAM 2: 固定窗口内存
- Here's the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html SAMURAI:运动感知动态记忆 ```
Here is the translation with the HTML structure preserved: ```html
```- Here is the translated text while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html SAM 2: 缺乏时间理解 ```
- 武士:利用时间线索预测物体运动
- Here is the translated text while keeping the HTML structure: ```html SAM 2: 随时间推移的误差传播增大 ```
- Sure! Here is the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html SAMURAI: 精炼记忆选择以最小化错误 ```
- Here's the translation while preserving the HTML structure: ```html SAM 2: 一般对象分割任务 ```
- 武士:零点镜头跟踪复杂场景
2. 跨情境适应能力:
使用零射学习,SAMURAI 可以随时跟踪任何对象,任何地方。它不依赖标记的数据集或重新训练。
3. 现实世界的应用:

- 通过图像编码器处理输入视频帧以提取视觉特征,并利用记忆注意力动态地引用先前的帧。
- 武士利用感知运动的记忆选择机制评估记忆帧的动作得分,从而保留相关记忆并丢弃无关的记忆,从而减少错误。
- 一个掩码解码器将这些选定的特征结合起来,生成用于跟踪的预测掩码。
- 另外,它使用运动线索来细化多个遮罩预测,并结合亲和力头来评估遮罩质量,同时还有一个物体头来验证物体存在,确保在复杂场景中具有强大的跟踪性能。
Here’s the translation of your text into Simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Concluding, SAMURAI is more than an upgrade to SAM 2 — it’s a leap forward in visual tracking technology. By introducing motion-aware memory and real-time tracking capabilities, SAMURAI bridges the gap between segmentation and real-world tracking challenges. Hope you try it out. It’s open-sourced !! ``` ```html 总结来说,SAMURAI 不仅仅是 SAM 2 的升级 — 它是视觉跟踪技术的一大飞跃。通过引入运动感知记忆和实时跟踪功能,SAMURAI 弥合了分割和现实世界跟踪挑战之间的鸿沟。希望你能试试看。它是开源的!! ``` Let me know if you need any further adjustments!