Sure, here's how you could structure the HTML while including the translation: ```html


``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` tags are used to enclose the text, indicating a paragraph. - The text "我们预测一个温暖的联系中心人工智能冬天" is the translation of "We predict a warm Contact Center AI winter" in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

我们开始听到关于另一次人工智能寒冬的传言 — 这个术语通常用来描述长期的幻灭、缺乏投资和人工智能进展的停滞。上次出现在七十年代末,最长的一次出现在八九十年代末。

``` In simplified Chinese: ``` 我们开始听到关于另一次人工智能寒冬的传言 — 这个术语通常用来描述长期的幻灭、缺乏投资和人工智能进展的停滞。上次出现在七十年代末,最长的一次出现在八九十年代末。 ```

Sure, here is the translated HTML code for the sentence "Prominent among the doomsayers is Gary Marcus, author of Rebooting AI who recently claimed:" in simplified Chinese: ```html 悲观主义者中最显著的是《重新启动AI》的作者Gary Marcus,他最近声称: ``` This HTML code maintains the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html


``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure of the original English sentence while providing the simplified Chinese translation.

Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


``` In this HTML snippet, the text "A recent article by Ben Evans neatly analyzes some of the factors that are leading to these claims." is translated to "最近本·埃文斯的一篇文章巧妙地分析了导致这些说法的一些因素。"

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html Evans 分享了路透社的研究,显示 ChatGPT 在各国的使用情况。三分之一的美国人曾尝试过它。但只有五分之一以上的人每天使用它。其他地方的数字通常要低得多。 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure and provides the translated text in simplified Chinese.

To translate "So this isn’t an iPhone, or the internet.. or is it?" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html

所以这不是iPhone,也不是互联网.. 还是吗?

``` In this translation: - "所以" means "so" or "therefore". - "这不是" means "this isn't". - "iPhone" remains "iPhone" in Chinese. - "也不是" means "or". - "互联网" means "the internet". - ".. 还是吗?" translates as ".. or is it?"

Sure, here's how you could structure the HTML to display "What about business?" in simplified Chinese: ```html

Translate to Chinese
``` In this HTML: - `lang="zh-CN"` specifies that the language is simplified Chinese. - `` ensures proper encoding for Chinese characters. - The text "What about business?" is translated to "关于业务怎么样?" and placed inside a `
` for display.

Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

Evans 分享了另一张图表。自去年秋季到今年初,飞行员的数量大幅增加,但实际部署数量却有所下降。

``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` is used to denote a paragraph for the translated text. - The Chinese text provided is a direct translation of the English sentence you provided.

Certainly! Here's how you can structure your HTML while displaying the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

Translated Text


``` In this structure: - `lang="zh-CN"` in the `` tag specifies the language as Simplified Chinese. - The text "So it doesn’t work in the real world… or does it?" is translated into simplified Chinese and placed within the `

` (paragraph) tags.

Sure, here's the translation of the sentence into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Evans repeatedly comes back to a point I’ve made many times: 生成式人工智能不是一个产品。 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` indicates that the text inside is in simplified Chinese. - `生成式人工智能不是一个产品。` translates to "Generative AI is not a product." This maintains the structure and ensures the correct display and interpretation of the Chinese text.

Certainly! Here's how you could structure the HTML with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure while incorporating the simplified Chinese translation.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

LMM本身不是一个产品 — 它是一种技术,可以启用工具或功能,需要拆解或重新组合成新的框架、用户体验和工具,才能变得有用。

``` Translated text: ```html

LMM本身不是一个产品 — 它是一种技术,可以启用工具或功能,需要拆解或重新组合成新的框架、用户体验和工具,才能变得有用。


Sure! Here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html


``` In this translation: - "Will there be an AI winter?" is translated as "将会有人工智能的冬天吗?" - "A trough of disillusionment?" is translated as "幻灭的低谷呢?" These translations maintain the structure and content of the original English text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 在某些领域是的。正如我们在上面的图表中所看到的,通用人工智能的采用在某些领域正在显著增长,但在其他领域则较慢。 ``` This HTML structure allows the text to be displayed correctly on a webpage while ensuring the translated content is in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html

这有点显而易见…… 在法律、人力资源、销售、财务、信息技术和运营方面出错的风险相当高,而后果也是非常重大的。


Certainly! Here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 但在编码过程中,风险要低得多……编译器、质量保证和其他工具会捕捉问题。 ```

Sure, here's how you could translate that text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

在营销中,这是一个数字游戏... 所以有几个幻觉 — 由通用人工智能编造的事情 — 不会造成太大问题。毕竟,营销人员一直在编造东西 🤣

``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure of the text while providing the translation in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html


``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure and presents the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

那么通用人工智能(Gen AI)就像互联网吗?还是像iPhone?是的。它是一种通用目的技术。

``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure and incorporates the translated text into a paragraph (`

`) element.

Certainly! Here's how you could express "Does it work in the real world?" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html


``` This HTML snippet embeds the simplified Chinese translation into a paragraph (`

`) element.

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 是的,确实如此。但不是到处。但在联系中心,绝对是的! ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure and conveys the translated message in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html


``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure while presenting the text in simplified Chinese.

Certainly! Here's how you can structure your HTML while including the simplified Chinese translation: ```html


``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` tags are used to encapsulate the text, indicating a paragraph. - The Chinese text is inserted directly within the `

` tags. This structure maintains the HTML format while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 或者如果您喜欢更简短的内容,可以查看我们关于“智能AI与AI优先联系中心”的YouTube播放列表。 ``` In this translation: - "Or" is translated as "或者" which means "or" in Chinese. - "something more bite-sized" is rendered as "更简短的内容", emphasizing a more concise form. - "YouTube playlist on Gen AI & The AI-First Contact Center" is translated as "关于‘智能AI与AI优先联系中心’的YouTube播放列表", maintaining the meaning of the original phrase in Chinese.

2024-07-26 04:56:39 AI中文站翻译自原文