Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 掌握ChatGPT API — 将复杂信息转化为简洁的JSON方案! ``` In this translation: - `` tags are used to denote inline text, which is appropriate for short phrases or sentences. - The text itself is translated to convey the original meaning accurately in simplified Chinese.
Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
最近几个月,LLM(大型语言模型)开始悄然颠覆编程世界。一些在编程语言中几乎无法描述的文本和图像处理任务,现在只需几句英文就能解决。但是一旦我们将其插入ChatGPT,它就会开始流出文字,我们面临一个新挑战 —— 可靠地将输出文本解析为我们可以在代码中下游使用的变量。
``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure while displaying the translated text in simplified Chinese.To translate "Why ChatGPT outputs are not code-friendly" into Simplified Chinese while preserving the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html 为什么 ChatGPT 的输出不适合代码 ```
Sure, here's the HTML structure with the text translated into simplified Chinese: ```html
让我们从一个实际的例子开始 — 比如说我们正在构建一个饮食建设应用程序,我们需要根据菜名列出食材 — 幸运的是,ChatGPT 知道所有的菜谱,让我们来问问它吧!
注意:示例使用 OpenAI 的 Python 库,并且需要先设置 OpenAI API 密钥。了解如何设置并获取 API 的详细信息,请访问
``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure while incorporating the translated text in simplified Chinese.PROMPT = """
You're a meal planner. Provided dish name, output list of ingredients.
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-4o-2024-05-13", messages=[
{"role": "system", "content": PROMPT},
{"role": "user", "content": "garlic pasta"},
Sure! Here are the ingredients typically needed for baked beans: 当然!以下是制作烤豆所需的常见原料:
Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining HTML structure: ```html
- 海军豆(或任何小白豆)
- 培根或咸猪肉(可选,用于增加风味)
- 洋葱
- 红糖
- 糖蜜
- 番茄酱或番茄酱浓缩
- 芥末(通常是黄芥末或第戎芥末)
```Sure! Here’s the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html Nice — we have the ingredients list! But in this format its basically useless — trying to parse it into something we can manage in Python is basically impossible. How much better it would be if we could just get a JSON that we can directly parse! Let’s try giving it an example to follow: ``` Translated: ```html 很好 — 我们有了成分清单!但在这种格式下,它基本上是无用的 — 尝试将其解析为我们可以在 Python 中处理的东西基本上是不可能的。如果我们能得到一个可以直接解析的 JSON,那该多好啊!让我们试着给它一个可以遵循的示例: ```
PROMPT = """
You're a meal planner. Provided dish name, output list of ingredients following this example:
"ingredients": [
{"name": "carrot", "amount": 250, "unit": "g"},
{"name": "tomatoes", "amount": 300, "unit": "g"},
] ,
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-4o-2024-05-13", messages=[
{"role": "system", "content": PROMPT},
{"role": "user", "content": "baked beans"},
```json { "ingredients": [ {"name": "罐装豆", "amount": 400, "unit": "克"}, {"name": "洋葱", "amount": 1, "unit": "个"}, {"name": "大蒜瓣", "amount": 2, "unit": "个"}, {"name": "番茄酱", "amount": 2, "unit": "汤匙"}, {"name": "芥末", "amount": 1, "unit": "茶匙"}, {"name": "水", "amount": 120, "unit": "毫升"} ]} ```
Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML to display the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
``` In this HTML structure: - `lang="zh-CN"` specifies the language as simplified Chinese. - The `` ensures proper encoding for Chinese characters. - The text "Voilà! Seems like we got the job done, right? Let’s take a closer look." is translated to "哎呀!看起来我们完成了任务,对吧?让我们仔细看看。" and placed within the `` (paragraph) tags for proper formatting and semantic structure.
To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html
首先,我们无法控制单位的多样性。仅仅在这个例子中,我们有:克,中等(?), 块,汤匙,茶匙和毫升。我甚至不想去想它还可能出现什么其他单位。想象一下,你希望你的应用程序能够准备一份购物清单,其中我们要为多道菜添加相同食材的数量 —— 我没法为将1个中等大小的洋葱加到200克洋葱中找到公式。
``` This HTML code preserves the structure of the text while providing the translation in simplified Chinese.Sure! Here’s the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
```Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html { "ingredients": […] , "instructions": "预热烤箱至350°F(175°C)。在一个大的耐热锅中,用中火炒香切碎的洋葱和蒜蓉,直到软化。[…]"} ``` This translates to: ```html { "ingredients": […] , "instructions": "Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). In a large oven-safe pot, sauté the chopped onion and minced garlic over medium heat until softened. […]"} ``` The Chinese text provided the translation for the cooking instructions while maintaining the original format.
Sure, here's the text translated to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 这绝对不是我们想要用于生产应用的东西。 ```
```Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure and content of the original English text while presenting it in simplified Chinese.Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
如果您正在使用ChatGPT Plus,您可能更容易将工具称为插件。这些是额外的API或操作,助理可以选择执行以获取更多信息、浏览网络、执行代码等。
``` In this translation: - "ChatGPT Plus" is translated as "ChatGPT Plus". - "Plugins" is translated as "插件" (chājiàn), which means plugins or add-ons. - The rest of the text is translated to convey the same meaning in simplified Chinese.
在幕后,ChatGPT 使用的LLM模型获取一个工具列表,每个工具都有名称、描述和允许的参数。然后模型选择是输出常规文本还是调用其中一个工具,指定其名称并构建参数列表。重要的是要注意,ChatGPT 模型实际上不执行任何代码、发送请求或调用API。它只是输出文本,指示“使用参数Y,Z调用工具X”。对我们而言,重要的是这段文本遵循严格的模式和参数定义,以便我们可以可靠地从Python中读取。
```Sure, here is the translation of "How to use ChatGPT tools to enforce output schema" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html 如何使用ChatGPT工具来强制输出模式 ``` In HTML, it would be represented as: ```html
``` This HTML code will display the translated text in a paragraph (``) element on a webpage.
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` tags are used to enclose each paragraph for structured content. - Chinese text is enclosed within the tags while maintaining readability and structure.
Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text.Sure, here is the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
让我们从基础知识开始 — 当调用ChatGPT API时,如何定义工具呢?工具基本上是遵循OpenAI模式的Python对象列表:
``` In simplified Chinese: ```html让我们从基础知识开始 — 当调用ChatGPT API时,如何定义工具呢?工具基本上是遵循OpenAI模式的Python对象列表:
```Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` represents a paragraph element. - `单个工具定义由以下组成:` is the translated text, meaning "A single tool definition consists of:".
- Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html 名称 — 就像是函数的名称 ``` This structure maintains the original HTML tags while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.
- Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html 描述 — 定义函数的目的,以及何时以及为何应该调用它 ```
- Sure, here's the text translated to simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact:
参数 — 定义需要传递给函数的数据、类型、允许的值和约束条件。
参数被定义为 JSON schema 对象——这是一个非常强大且稳健的系统,具有几十种选项。
```Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
最后一步是强制使用工具 — 在OpenAI API中,可以通过将tool_choice='required'传递给函数来允许强制调用任何定义的工具,或者传递一个特定的函数来强制使用单个工具。
``` In this HTML snippet, the translated Chinese text is contained within the `` (paragraph) tags, maintaining the structure as requested.
Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 使用工具强制执行响应模式示例 ```
Sure, here is the translation of "Going back to the example, lets define a tool that we will pass to the API:" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` In this translation: - `` indicates a paragraph in HTML, suitable for displaying text content. - The Chinese text provided is a direct translation of the English sentence while maintaining clarity and correctness.
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the ingredient",},
"unit": { "type": "string", "enum": ["g", "piece", "ml", "tbsp", "tsp"], "description": 'Enum unit of amount',},
"amount": { "type": "number", "description": "Amount of the ingredient used", },
"required": ["name", "unit", "amount"],
TOOLS = [{
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "list_of_ingredients_callback",
"description": "Send list of ingredients back to the user",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
f"ingredient_{i}": PARAM_SPEC
for i in range(10) # max number of ingredients - see note below
Sure! Here’s the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
这个函数叫做 list_of_ingredients_callback
。它接受多个 ingredient_X
参数,每个参数包含 3 个键:name
(数字)和 unit
(具有 3 个值的枚举)。注意: ingredient_X
是一种变通方法,用于解决 OpenAI API 规格的问题。通常,你会使用一个单一的参数 ingredients
Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure while displaying the translated text "现在让我们再次执行提示,这次使用工具:"response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-4o-2024-05-13", messages=[
{"role": "system", "content": PROMPT},
{"role": "user", "content": "baked beans + add an instruction how to cook it"},
tool_call = response['choices'][0]['message']['tool_calls'][0]['function']
To keep the HTML structure intact while translating the provided text to simplified Chinese, you can use the following format: ```html
list_of_ingredients_callback {'ingredient_0': {'name': '罐装豆类', 'unit': '克', 'amount': 800}, 'ingredient_1': {'name': '洋葱', 'unit': '克', 'amount': 150}, 'ingredient_2': {'name': '番茄酱', 'unit': '毫升', 'amount': 400}, 'ingredient_3': {'name': '红糖', 'unit': '汤匙', 'amount': 2}, 'ingredient_4': {'name': '糖蜜', 'unit': '汤匙', 'amount': 1}, 'ingredient_5': {'name': '芥末', 'unit': '茶匙', 'amount': 1}, 'ingredient_6': {'name': '培根', 'unit': '克', 'amount': 100}, 'ingredient_7': {'name': '盐', 'unit': '茶匙', 'amount': 1}, 'ingredient_8': {'name': '黑胡椒', 'unit': '茶匙', 'amount': 0.5}}
``` This HTML snippet preserves the original structure of the text while displaying the simplified Chinese translation of the ingredient names and units.Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese within a paragraph (``) tag.
Certainly! Here's "Summary" translated into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure:
This HTML code uses the `` tag to display the translated text "总结" which means "Summary" in simplified Chinese.
Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html LLMs文本界面在通过编程接口进行交互时可能会显得繁琐。 ``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.
当然可以!以下是将您的英文文本翻译成简体中文的内容,同时保持了 HTML 结构: ```html
幸运的是,ChatGPT 和 Gemini 界面都提供了帮助实现这一目标的机制!工具在使这些 API 更加易于管理方面发挥了救命的作用,因为它们提供了一个固定、可靠的基于 JSON 的架构。
``` ### 解释: - **"Luckily"** 翻译为 **"幸运的是"**,表达了一种积极的情绪。 - **"both ChatGPT and Gemini interface"** 翻译为 **"ChatGPT 和 Gemini 界面"**,保留了专有名词。 - **"provide mechanisms to help with that!"** 翻译为 **"都提供了帮助实现这一目标的机制!"**,明确了提供帮助的功能。 - **"Tools are a life-saver when it comes to making these APIs manageable"** 翻译为 **"工具在使这些 API 更加易于管理方面发挥了救命的作用"**,强调了工具的关键作用。 - **"by providing a fixed, reliable JSON-based schema"** 翻译为 **"因为它们提供了一个固定、可靠的基于 JSON 的架构"**,解释了工具的具体功能。 ### 繁体中文版本(备用) 如果需要繁体中文版本,可以参考以下内容: ```html幸運的是,ChatGPT 和 Gemini 介面都提供了幫助實現這一目標的機制!工具在使這些 API 更加易於管理方面發揮了救命的作用,因為它們提供了一個固定、可靠的基於 JSON 的架構。
``` ### 参考说明 - **"ChatGPT" 和 "Gemini"** 是专有名词,因此不进行翻译。 - **"Tools are a life-saver"** 是一种比喻,翻译时要注意传达其实际意义,即这些工具极大地简化了 API 的管理工作。 - **"JSON-based schema"** 是技术术语,保持原意的同时用中文表达技术细节。 您可以根据需要选择简体或繁体中文版本。如果有其他翻译需求或进一步的问题,随时告诉我!Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
这还不是它们的限制的尽头!通过利用 tool_choice 参数,您可以让LLM决定是输出原始文本(例如错误消息),还是选择调用您预定义的一个或多个回调函数,并根据其选择做出反应。这确实为人机交互打开了全新的可能性世界。
``` In the translated text: - "tool_choice parameter" is translated as "tool_choice 参数". - "LLM" is kept as "LLM" since it's often used as an acronym and is widely recognized in its original form. - The structure of the sentence and the meaning are retained as closely as possible to the original English text.