Sure, here's how you would translate "Myths and Models as Second-Order Systems" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 神话与模型作为二阶系统 ``` In this translation: - `` indicates that the following text is in simplified Chinese. - `神话与模型作为二阶系统` is the translation of "Myths and Models as Second-Order Systems".
Sure, here is the translation of the text into Simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html Viewing chatbots through a semiotic lens 通过符号学视角审视聊天机器人 ```
In Myth Today (Barthes [1.], pp. 217–274), Roland Barthes describes how signs can be pushed from their role as sign in one sign system into the (reduced) role of signifier in a second sign system; this second sign system forms the level of myth, and as such, myth can be referred to as a second-order semiological system. For the signifier of myth to find its form beyond sign’s meaning, the sign, which is the “associative total” of concept (or signified) and (acoustic or mental) image (or signifier), is shifted laterally, and through this shift, it links the first system to the second to communicate the deeper form; as such, myth serves as metalanguage that provides a shared frame of reference within a culture.
``` Translated to simplified Chinese: ```html在《神话今天》(巴特《1.》第217–274页)中,罗兰·巴特描述了符号如何从一个符号系统中的符号角色被推进到第二个符号系统中的(减少的)符号化角色;这第二个符号系统形成了神话的层次,因此,神话可以被称为第二阶段的符号学系统。为了使神话的符号化形式超越符号的意义,符号(即概念或所指)与(声音或心理的)形象(即符号化者)的“联想总和”被横向转移,通过这种转移,它将第一个系统与第二个系统连接起来,以传达更深层次的形式;因此,神话充当了在文化中提供共享参照框架的元语言。
```Sure! Here's the translated text while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
在这篇文章中,为了进一步探讨神话作为第二级符号系统的功能,我将首先讨论生成性语言模型(例如 ChatGPT)如何作为第二级语义系统,重现文本符号(正如巴赫提所描述的神话的第二级符号,“一面充实而另一面空虚”(即,符号而没有所指))以模仿通过书面语言传达的神话。然后,我将讨论 ChatGPT 如何在神话层面上找到技术文化形式,因为它能够模仿更广泛的文化神话,从而使自己对用户自然化。
```Sure, here's the translation of "Generative language models as second-order semantic systems" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
```To keep the HTML structure while translating the text into simplified Chinese, here's how you can format it: ```html
自然语言处理的最新技术的核心理念是分布假设,即通过语言中的使用来认识一个词(这一思想在文献中常被归因于J. R. 菲尔斯或路德维希·维特根斯坦)。这一观点可以追溯到费迪南德·德·索绪尔的《普通语言学课程》在其死后出版后广为流行的结构主义语言学(并受到后结构主义语言学的批评)[5.]。在当今的自然语言处理中,这一思想被理解为可以通过训练统计语言模型来预测某种语言单位在各种上下文中的出现,从而学习该单位的表示(类似于索绪尔的意符,但在向量空间中被量化为一个点)。一般来说,这样的语言模型仅通过文本进行训练,因此它们无法访问文本符号下的所指(更进一步地说,对于悲观主义者来说,它们至少是半空的)。
``` This HTML structure includes a paragraph (``) tag to encapsulate the translated text in simplified Chinese. The translation aims to preserve the meaning and structure of the original English text while conveying it in Chinese.
尽管有批评称,基于标记预测任务训练的生成模型并不显示对自然语言的理解,而仅仅是根据其训练数据复述语言[2., 3.],但自2017年谷歌推出Transformer架构以来,这些模型在自然语言处理研究中变得越来越流行(事实上,Transformer架构如此流行,以至于其在政治经济中资源分割中的角色已经被研究过[10.])。在Transformer的基础上,OpenAI和谷歌分别发布了开源模型GPT-2 [11.]和BERT [6.],并且在2020年,OpenAI通过其Playground环境有限发布了GPT-3 [4.]。最近,在2022年11月,OpenAI发布了商业产品ChatGPT,并获得了广泛的媒体报道[e.g., 12.]。
对于语言模型而言,文本符号仅由其在训练语料库中出现的上下文定义。虽然从符号(即向量表示)依赖的角度来看,这个定义在理论上可能显得语义上浅薄,因为没有符号化的支撑,但实际上,这种定义被证明非常有效,以至于一些用户在与聊天机器人的互动中产生了它是否具有感知能力的疑问(例如,参见最近有关谷歌LaMDA聊天机器人的讨论 [8., 9.])。然而,值得注意的是,尽管现代语言模型生成的文本通常符合(甚至超出)用户的期望,因为它们对我们世界的表征仅基于一个训练语料库,该语料库结合了许多作者的著作(这些作者写作是为了表达他们对世界看法,但永远无法传达其真实本质(有时甚至有意模糊其真相)),生成式语言模型充当第二阶语义系统,生成的文本符号缺乏符号化,直到用户为生成文本赋予更深层次的含义(即,用户将世界知识引入到与聊天机器人的互动中,而聊天机器人本身并不具备世界知识)。
```Certainly! Here's how you could structure the HTML with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
``` In simplified Chinese characters, "Generative language models as myth-mimicker and myth" translates to "生成式语言模型作为模仿神话和神话的存在。"```html
值得注意的是,由于语言模型是在从互联网上抓取的大量语料库上训练的,而互联网包含广泛的人类生成内容 — 针对人类受众 — 因此包含了人类常见讨论的大部分内容及其常见讨论方式,语言模型通常能够生成符合用户期望的文本。
尽管语言模型的能力及其讨论已经广泛存在 [7., 13.],但随着这些模型通过聊天机器人等商业技术融入文化中,语言模型的神话,包括但不限于作为神话模拟器和二阶语义系统的运作机制,已经被自然化;这样一来,语言模型作为一种机制,用于重现文本符号的统计学特征,但却没有表达世界知识的意义,变成了具有社会文化意义的应用技术的二阶形式,提供了第二阶的表达意义。更广义地说,一种技术通过在社会中的使用而在文化中自然化,尽管我们在语言模型的商业化进程中还处于早期阶段,但这些模型神话的自然化的宏大叙事仍处于变动之中。因此,围绕语言模型展开的讨论中,参与者的熟悉程度与其与基础技术的互动方式多种多样,他们通过与神话模拟器聊天机器人的互动,并通过同行评审的研究或包含生成文本截图的推文,或存储在全球互联网甚至更远处的各种工具中的经验,自身也充当了神话创造者。
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure as requested.Certainly! Here is the translation of "References" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure:
In this translation:
- `` represents the HTML tag structure.
- `参考文献` is the simplified Chinese translation of "References".
- Sure, here's how you could structure it in HTML and translate it to simplified Chinese:
Barthes, Roland. 2012. “Mythologies” (First American Paperback Edition). New York: Hill and Wang.
``` In simplified Chinese: ```html巴特、罗兰。2012年。“神话学”(首次美国平装版)。纽约:希尔与旺出版社。
``` This HTML structure ensures the text is clearly separated for styling or formatting purposes while allowing the translation to maintain the original citation's integrity. - To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese and keep the HTML structure intact, you can use the following HTML markup with the translated text:
Bender, Emily M, and Alexander Koller. 2020. “Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data.” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/18/technology/artific.
``` And the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```htmlBender, Emily M和Alexander Koller. 2020年。“朝向自然语言理解的攀登:在数据时代的意义、形式和理解。” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/18/technology/artific。
``` This keeps the structure of the HTML intact while providing the translation in simplified Chinese. - Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated simplified Chinese text:
Bender, Emily M., Timnit Gebru, Angelina McMillan-Major, 和 Shmargaret Shmitchell. 2021. “On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?” In FAccT 2021 — Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 610–23. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1145/3442188.3445922.
``` This HTML snippet includes the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the original structure for clarity and consistency. - Sure, here is the HTML structure with the simplified Chinese translation inserted:
Brown, Tom B, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie Subbiah, Jared Kaplan, Prafulla Dhariwal, Arvind Neelakantan, et al. 2020. “语言模型是少样本学习者。”
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` denotes a paragraph element. - `` specifies that the following text is in simplified Chinese (China). - The translated text "语言模型是少样本学习者。" corresponds to "Language Models Are Few-Shot Learners."
- Certainly! Here is the translated text in Simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html Chandler, Daniel. 2021. Semiotics: The Basics (Fourth Edition) (第四版). London: Routledge. ``` ### Explanation: - **Chandler, Daniel. 2021.** remains unchanged. - **Semiotics: The Basics (Fourth Edition)** is translated to *《符号学基础(第四版)》* in Simplified Chinese, where the book title is italicized to denote that it's a title. - **London: Routledge.** remains unchanged. Let me know if you need any adjustments!
- To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following:
Devlin, Jacob, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova Google, and A I Language. 2019. “BERT: Pre-Training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding.” https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor.
``` And the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```htmlDevlin, Jacob, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova Google 和 A I Language. 2019. “BERT:深度双向转换器的预训练用于语言理解。” https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor。
``` This translation retains the original structure of the HTML while providing the text in simplified Chinese. - Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML to include the translated text in Simplified Chinese:
Floridi, Luciano, 和 Massimo Chiriatti. 2020. “GPT-3: 其性质、范围、限制和后果。” Minds and Machines 30 (4): 681–94. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-020-09548-1 .
``` This HTML maintains the structure of the citation while providing the translated title and authors in Simplified Chinese. - Sure, here is the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese:
Johnson, K. 2022. LAMDA 和智能 AI 陷阱. Wired. Accessed: 24 Feb 23 from https://www.wired.com/story/lamda-sentient-ai-bias-google-blake-lemoine/
``` In simplified Chinese: ```htmlJohnson, K. 2022. LAMDA 和智能 AI 陷阱. Wired. Accessed: 24 Feb 23 from https://www.wired.com/story/lamda-sentient-ai-bias-google-blake-lemoine/
``` This maintains the HTML structure while providing the translation of the text. - Certainly! Here's how you could structure your HTML with the translated Chinese text:
Lemoine, B. 2022. Is LAMDA sentient? — an Interview. Medium. Accessed: 24 Feb 23 from https://cajundiscordian.medium.com/is-lamda-sentient-an-interview-ea64d916d917
``` And here is the simplified Chinese text: ```htmlLemoine, B. 2022. LAMDA 是否具有意识?— 一次采访。Medium。访问日期:23年2月24日,来源: https://cajundiscordian.medium.com/is-lamda-sentient-an-interview-ea64d916d917
``` This HTML structure maintains the original formatting while incorporating the simplified Chinese translation. - Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML while including the citation in simplified Chinese:
Luitse, Dieuwertje and Wiebke Denkena. 2021. “The Great Transformer: Examining the Role of Large Language Models in the Political Economy of AI.” Big Data & Society 8 (2): 205395172110477. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517211047734.
``` Translated into simplified Chinese: ```htmlLuitse, Dieuwertje 和 Wiebke Denkena. 2021. “The Great Transformer: Examining the Role of Large Language Models in the Political Economy of AI.” Big Data & Society 8 (2): 205395172110477. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517211047734。
``` Make sure to adjust the HTML structure as needed based on your specific webpage layout. - ```html
Radford, Alec, Jeffrey Wu, Rewon Child, David Luan, Dario Amodei, 和 Ilya Sutskever. 2018. “语言模型是无监督的多任务学习者。” https://github.com/codelucas/newspaper.
``` - Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML while including the translated text in simplified Chinese:
Roose, K. 2023. ChatGPT如何引发人工智能军备竞赛. The New York Times. Accessed: 24 Feb 23 from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/03/technology/chatgpt-openai-artificial-intelligence.html
``` In the provided HTML: - `...` is used to indicate that the enclosed text is in simplified Chinese. - The URL is directly linked to The New York Times article. This structure maintains the integrity of the original HTML while incorporating the translated text. - 当然!以下是将英文文本翻译为简体中文的版本,同时保持了HTML结构: ```html Shanahan, Murray. 2022. “谈论大型语言模型。” arXiv。http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.03551。 ``` 在这个翻译中: - “Talking About Large Language Models” 被翻译为“谈论大型语言模型”。 - “arXiv” 作为一个名称保持不变。 - 链接地址部分保留原样。
- To translate the provided text into simplified Chinese and keep the HTML structure intact, you can use the following code snippet:
Vaswani, Ashish, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. “Attention Is All You Need,” June. http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762.
``` And here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese: ```htmlVaswani, Ashish, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, 和 Illia Polosukhin. 2017. “Attention Is All You Need,” 六月. http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762.
``` This translation ensures that the names and title are accurately represented in simplified Chinese characters while preserving the citation format and hyperlink structure in HTML.